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The Job-Person-Environment Assessment™ (JPEA™) is a three-part instrument that provides data that reveal the key work-related perceptions and preferences that affect employee energy and engagement. The JPEA™ has demonstrated impressive reliability and validity for almost 25 years.
The Personal Preference Inventory (PPI), the revolutionary cornerstone of the JPEA™, was created in 1983 to give individuals a way to identify and talk with others about how they prefer to behave. A key goal was to produce results in a clear, business-oriented language that relates directly to jobs.
The Job Perception Inventory (JPI) was created in 1984 to provide a structured, reliable and quantifiable way to identify individuals' perceptions about how they are required or expected to behave in order to perform successfully in a given job. The JPI was designed to produce results in the same dimensions as the PPI results. This allowed for a one-to-one comparison between the two, thus producing a measure of "fit" between Person and Job.
The Environment Perception Inventory (EPI) was added in 1986 to identify individuals' perceptions about the organizational climate and the extent to which it encourages and supports their excellence. The EPI was integrated with the JPI and PPI and became what is known today as the Job-Person-Environment Assessment™. By design, it is a diagnostic tool that reveals not only how employee energy is being used within the organization but also points to options for increasing employee energy.
The JPEATM is unique in its ability to identify the key factors that affect job satisfaction and employee engagement. By doing so, it points to answers to the questions, "What is happening now?" and "What should we consider doing about it?" Because JPEATM results are presented in a common, business-oriented language, they facilitate conversations among stakeholders about key work-related issues and clarify the behaviors, practices, and relationships that contribute to organizational and individual success.
Since 1986, John J. Perry, president of Human Productivity Systems and developer of the JPEA™, has provided leadership and organization development consulting services to businesses, government agencies, non-profit organizations, and individuals. He has a passion for and expertise in assessing and focusing human energy in order to maximize organizational and individual performance.
Prior to founding Human Productivity Systems, John was employed for over 22 years by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). He worked in several disciplines including aerospace engineering, functional and project management, financial management, and internal consulting in the area of management systems. John has a BS degree in Mathematics from Florida A&M University and a MBA degree in Management Decision Systems from the University of Southern California.
The strength of the JPEA™ grows out of John's rare ability to understand both the complex systems that sustain organizations of all sizes and the human motives that affect the success of both individuals and institutions. It is this unique integration of science and human motivation that makes the JPEA™ such a powerful and effective tool.